Sep 012016

Logistics Support Analysis

The six areas of LSA

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Logistics Support

  • Logistic Support Analysis - NASA
    Logistic Support Analysis - NASA
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    Logistic Support Analysis - NASA - 2


Logistics Support Analysis Software:  eLSA

Logistics Support Analysis Record Software: LSAR

Sep 012016

The purpose of a Logistic Support Analysis Record (LSAR) is to provide a consistent information source to support the conduct of Logistics Support Analysis (LSA) and related analyses, and enable the development and preparation ILS data products.
An LSAR applied effectively support analysis and achieves the fourth goal of LSA for both project and In- service use, to: “Develop and prepare attendant data products from a consistent information source.”
The purpose of this standard is to define the requirements for the application of a Logistic Support Analysis Record for and by the Organisation.
Detail record Requirements
LSA documentation, including LSAR data, is generated as a result of the analysis specified for the LSA Program. As such, the LSAR shall serve as the main Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) technical database applicable to all materiel acquisition programs to satisfy the support acquisition.

Annex A of DEF(AUST)5692 establishes the Logistic Support Analysis Record (LSAR) relational table titles and data content and format to be produced by an LSAR relational Automated Data Processing (ADP) system:

  •  It defines all the relational tables that comprise an LSAR database.
  •  In a relational database system, information is organised in the form of tables.
  •  Categories or columns of information are listed across the top of each table.
  •  Individual sets of information are listed as rows.
  •  LSAR relational tables are two-dimensional matrices of related data.
  •  Tables are defined in terms of columns (or data element definitions (DED)) and rows (or multiple sets of the columnar data elements).
  •  Information in this format can be easily visualised and understood.

DEF(AUST) 5692
Logistic Support Analysis (LSA) is a selected application of system engineering techniques, originally developed by the United States Department of Defence (US DOD) to provide effective and consistent analytical processes for identifying and implementing supportability requirements for the development and acquisition of major capital equipment. LSA, as applied in Defence expands LSA as a life Cycle Discipline to enable the benefits of consistent analytical techniques to be readily applied to major minor projects, modifications, In- service analysis for logistic optimisation, and disposal.
A key enabler to the success of the LSA Program, and the fourth goal of LSA, is to use a consistent data source for analysis to ensure an integrated solution between LSA, Integrated Logistic Support and related disciplines. The LSAR was developed to fulfil this requirement. Defence has added functionality to the LSAR developed by the US DoD and defined in MIL-STD- 1388-2B.
DEF(AUST)5692 provides the definition of data elements and structure of the LSAR to enable the collection, storage, retrieval and review of the LSAR data.
The DEF(AUST)5692 is structured as follows:
· Chapter 1: LSAR Program Requirements
· Chapter 2: LSAR General Requirements
· Chapter 3: Detailed requirements for the Preparation of an LSAR.
· Annex A. Contains the LSAR relational tables necessary for the development of a relational LSAR database.
· Annex B. Contains a description and the required format for each LSAR standard report.
· Annex C. Explains assignment of the key data elements: LSA Control Number (LCN), Alternate LCN Code (ALC), Usable On Code (UOC).
· Annex D. Contains guidance for tailoring of the LSAR Data.
· Annex E. Contains an LSAR Data Element Dictionary providing definitions for all data specified by Annex A.
Chapter 3, Annexes A,B and E establish requirements and can be included/referenced in contractual documents. Annexes C and D provide guidance for the implementation of LSAR data entry and program application of the LSAR. The main annexes for this course are Annex A and C.
LSA data is generated in all phases of the system/equipment life cycle and is used as input to follow-on analyses and as an aid in developing logistics products.


Logistic Support Analysis Record Software: LSAR

Logistics Support Analysis Software: eLSA

Background and History
US DOD realised a need to store results of Logistic Support Analysis (LSA) in a single database.
They developed standards to create LSARs that provided a standardised method for compiling and storing logistic and logistic related data for a program.
The Australian Defence Force (ADF) began looking at using LSARs in the early 1990s.
They actually had copies of a MIL‑STD‑1388‑2A product called DILSA.
Australian Dept of Defence began looking at using LSARs in the early ‘90s with the establishment of the CAPLOG (Capital Logistics) project.
The CAPLOG project got serious about using LSARs and associated software apps in an attempt to truly apply the principles of Integrated Logistic Support (ILS).
The centre of the CAPLOG ‘hub’ was a MIL‑STD‑1388‑2B based LSAR.
The project selected Omega2B as the corporate application.
As the project matured, it was recognised that MIL‑STD‑1388‑2B in its current form would not fulfil the intended needs of the ADF for two main reasons:

  •  Legacy data needed to continue to be managed for some time (ended up being almost 15 years).
  •  The ADF wanted to use the LSAR ‘through life’. This meant continuous management of maintenance documentation and the configuration of significant items (Maintenance Managed Items).

As a result, AAP 5102.003 was developed (AAP stands for Australian Air Publication)
The ADF called their databases Weapon System Databases (WSDBs) as opposed to LSARs to highlight the difference between MIL‑STD‑1388‑2B and AAP 5102.003
Over time certain deficiencies were identified with AAP 5102.003 and these were addressed with the development of DEF(AUST)5692 (including an overhaul of MIL‑STD‑1388‑1A to become DEF(AUST)5691).


Weapon System Databases (WSDB)

Sep 012016

Training support

Training and Training Support
Training and training support includes all the considerations necessary to provide Service, Defence civilian, and contractor personnel with the skills necessary to:

  •  Acquire,
  •  Operate,
  •  Support, and
  •  Dispose of a materiel system.

What else is involved ?

  •  Training the client / operator / user
  •  Outputs from the design team (to training)
  •  Challenges?
  •  Ownership of the IP (training package)


A Training Concept
The training will result in a number of personnel that are capable of providing operator and maintainer training, and a number of personnel that are qualified to either operate or maintain the Capability. In general, the courses are required to cover the user, crew and maintainer requirements to enable the crews to transition from the current capability to the new Capability, and qualified maintainers to perform maintenance tasks in accordance with the maintenance concept

In accordance with this concept, the Contractor’s responsibilities include:

  • preparation for, and delivery of operator instructor training;
  • preparation for, and delivery of maintainer instructor training;
  • provision of assistance/supervision during training course conducted by trainee  instructors; and
  • delivery of data items.


Sep 012016

Technical Data Support
Technical data to be maintained includes:

  • all types of specifications & standards
  • engineering drawings
  • instructions, reports, manuals, tabular data, test results
  • software documentation, used in the development, production, in-service operation and logistics support (such as maintenance, provisioning, codification, testing and modification)
  • training materials
  • disposal of a materiel system.

Data compatibility is very important in Government and Defence contracts so the S1000D standard was developed:
The ASD S1000D standard is an internationally recognised specification for the  production and procurement of technical publications for Defence, Aerospace and capital-intensive equipment.

Sep 012016

Personnel Support

Personnel is the identification and provisioning of:

  • Service Personnel
  • Defence, civilian and
  • contractor personnel with:
    The rank, classification and skills necessary to acquire, install, test, train, operate and support a materiel system throughout its life cycle

In Service Personnel Support includes:

  • Continuous development, identification and provisioning of personnel to support the capability
  • HR management
  • Recruiting
  • Training / re training
  •  Transfer, posting, replacement
Sep 012016

Facility Support

Facilities includes considerations necessary to establish:

  •  Permanent and semi-permanent capital works
  •  Associated machinery and
  •  Plant to operate and support a materiel system throughout its life cycle

In Service Facility management includes:

  •  Ongoing capital works (LOT of capability)
  •  Training, storage and maintenance facilities
  •  Facilities upgrades
  •  Forecasting and scheduling resources and construction

Facilities support consists of Garaging Arrangements, Workshop Facilities, Operational Support Facilities and Training Facilities:

  • Garaging Arrangements. Vehicles may be garaged in extant vehicle hangar facilities. These generally consist of protection from rain and shade and may include open mesh cages for equipment storage and standard 240v power.
    Other locations may utilise vehicle hangars. Garaging for vehicles whilst deployed may be non-existent or ad-hoc.
  • Workshop Facilities. Workshop facilities may be of various designs and ages. The facility generally has the tooling and sufficient fixed and portable MHE to support vehicles of similar size, not including S&TE.
  • Operational Support Facilities. Whilst not deployed, vehicles will generally have access to fuel and oil in operational support facilities.
  • Training Facilities. Training facilities may include classrooms and practical practise areas. Classrooms may be affected should large or operational training aids be required. This would be examined following identification of the need for the specific aid.
Sep 012016

Facility and Asset Management

Facility, Asset and Fleet Management are very similar in many ways to Integrated Logistic Support (ILS).

They have the same sub functions as ILS:

  •  Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM)
  •  Failure Modes, Effects & Criticality Analysis (FMECA) (done during design)
  •  Failure Modes & Effects Analysis (FMEA) (done after design to determine maintenance tasks)
  •  Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM)
  •  Level Of Repair Analysis (LORA)
  •  Verification and Validation (V&V)
  •  Life Cycle Costing Analysis (LCCA)

Consider a ship or sub marine, which is essentially a building on / in a hull, it constitutes many common systems that require the same analysis and support that any facility or equipment might need:


  • Electrical Generation systems
  • Electrical Distribution systems
  • Lighting systems
  • Emergency Lighting systems
  • Backup power systems / UPS / batteries

Electronic systems

  • Communication systems
  • Electronic Control systems
  • Information systems


  • Water purification / desalination
  • Water storage / supply
  • Hot water production and storage
  • Water distribution / plumbing
  • Fire fighting system

Waste water

  • Grey water system / recyclable / alternate use
    • Distribution, treatment and storage
  • Black water system / Sewage
    • Distribution, treatment and storage

Power Plant / Engine

  • Engine mechanics
  • Fuel system
  • Intake air filtering system
  • Exhaust system
  • Lubrication system
  • Hydraulic system
  • Cooling system


  • Gearbox
  • Drive shafts
  • Output drive (propeller)


  • Tanks (fuel / water / supplies / cargo)
  • Storage compartments and shelving (supplies, cargo, support equipment)


  • Hull / frame
  • Walls
  • Flooring
  • Roof

Ancillary equipment

  • Support boats / inflatables
  • Lifting equipment
  • Winches
  • Weaponry

Ancillary Support equipment

  • Repair workshops
  • Food preparation, handling and cooking equipment.

Safety systems

  • Fire fighting system
  • Smoke / gas detection
  • Emergency escape systems –
    • slides / ladders / life boats
  • Life preserving systems
    • Life vests, Emergency Breathing apparatus, Defibrillators

The majority of the above also apply to aircraft and to many vehicle systems and of course to land based buildings.

Thus the same integrated logistic support techniques can be applied to non military equipment and facilities with the same benefits in terms of minimising down time and through life costs while maximising availability and performance.

Australian Asset Management

Asset Integrity


Sep 012016

Computer Support
Computer support encompasses the identification, acquisition and management of computing hardware, firmware, software, documentation and other resources necessary to provide data processing or computer support to the operational, maintenance, supply, training and administrative requirements of a materiel system.